Morning Or Afternoon Sun For Vegetable Garden

Morning Or Afternoon Sun For Vegetable Garden

Lighting is a top concern when one starts his very first veggies crop. So which is better, morning or afternoon sun for vegetable garden? This article is here to provide you with information on this question. Let’s get started!

Morning Or Afternoon Sun For Vegetable Garden: Which Is Better?

Answer & Explanation

The best sunlight for plants and flowers is morning daylight. During the morning and before 2 pm, vegetables are provided with the best environment to create sugars by photosynthesis.

By contrast, if it is afternoon or periods that have sunshade, the process of photosynthesis will not be productive.

Moreover, with the appearance of water droplets in leaves, the development of disease spores could be quicker.

The sun in the morning can dry rain, dew, and water from irrigation out of leaves. This could lower the chance of disease infections.

However, it is important to remember that a plant needs about six hours of sunlight in a day to activate the process of photosynthesis, although 8 hours is greater.

Don’t worry too much about whether the spot will have morning or afternoon daylight or not; what you should do is make sure your veggies are exposed to daylight for 6 hours during the day.

Levels Of Sunlight For Garden Veggies

When you purchase a vegetable plant from a local shop, it is clear that you will see a plant label that shows you what type of sunlight it needs. In fact, there are five levels of sunlight required for the growth of veggies.

  • Full sun: Full-sun plants don’t need to be exposed to sunlight throughout the day, but they need at least six hours.
  • Partial sun: These types of vegetables also require from four to six hours of daylight to grow. Also, the period spent in the shade brings advantages to them.
  • Partial shade: Plants in this category just need from one to four hours of sunlight during a day because they grow quicker in the shade.
  • Dappled sun: Just a few trees need this type of daylight to grow better. These plants require less sunlight and are more protected than other shade trees.
  • Full shade: These types of plants require daylight. However, they just need below three hours of sunlight during the day.


Which Direction To Face A Vegetable Garden?

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, your garden should head to the south. This direction will help your plants receive the biggest amount of energy from the sun during the day.

The second great choice is placing your trees on the west or east side of the house to have more time to get direct sunlight.

Tips On Where To Put A Garden

When you want to put a garden, you should consider the below factors:

  • Convenience
  • Daylight
  • Drainage
  • Soil


When gardening, there are many factors that you need to pay attention to, including lighting. Which is better, morning or afternoon sun for vegetable gardens?

Hopefully, this article has given you the answers to this question so that you can enjoy gardening more and more and have a better-grown garden of your own.

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